RV Tips for Cold Weather Camping: 3 Easy Ways to Stay Warm

If you’re looking for a new way to experience the campground or try something different on your next vacation, why not try cold-weather camping? Camping in the off-season is a great way to save money on your favorite destinations, and the cold weather ensures you won’t have to deal with crowds at whatever sightseeing spots you decide to visit. Learn more about these RV tips for cold-weather camping below.

winter rving

Upgrade Your Insulation

Before heading out to the campground for some cold-weather camping, you will want to ensure your RV has the proper insulation to keep you warm. You can find RVs with Four-Season camping insulation or add insulation to your RV. Whatever you do, check your manufacturer’s guide before modifying your RV to see if it voids any warranties.

Protect Your Plumbing

Whenever you’re camping, keep an eye on the temperatures and be sure that your undercarriage and all of the plumbing stays warm. We recommend bringing along a space heater and leaving a drip and all your faucets if the temperatures look like they will get below freezing.


Maintain Your Furnace

Be sure to regularly maintain your RV’s furnace in order to keep it ready to go for your cold-weather camping trips. You will also want to start the furnace before heading to the campground if you haven’t run it before because the buildup of dust in the fence can cause the fire alarm to go off. Be sure to clear this out thoroughly before starting your furnace.
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