RV Tips: 5 Ways to Keep Your RV Cool

The heat of summer can make a stay in an RV uncomfortable and might make your outdoor adventure difficult to enjoy. There are many ways you can keep yourselves and your RV cool this summer. Take a look at these five easy RV tips to cool down your RV so that your next family vacation is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

Cooling off by the lake

Put Sunshades on the Windows

Using a reflective surface to keep the sun out of your RV will help keep your small space cool. Although letting the sun shine through the windows and doors of your RV might seem like a great way to keep natural light in, it will also prevent you from cooling off the space. Covering your windows and doors with a reflective surface, like sun shades, will help keep your RV cool.

Use personal fans

Using a personal fan is imperative to keeping you cool in your RV this summer. Having a few personal fans will help you keep the heat out of your RV. You can use battery-operated fans to keep around your neck or tabletop fans to help with airflow in your RV.

Fan on table

Park in the Shade

Make sure your RV is parked in a shady spot to help keep the summer heat at bay. Parking in direct sunlight is sure to increase the temperature in your space. Using the shade to keep the sun from heating up your RV will be crucial to keeping you cool on your next outdoor adventure. 

Get a Sunshade Awning

Keep yourself cool by installing a sunshade awning on your RV. A sunshade awning is the perfect addition to your RV. It will allow you to spend time outside while keeping the sun away. Consider adding this to your RV if you want to stay cool this summer.

Sunshade on Amazon
Available on Amazon.

Cover Your Roof’s Vents

Covering the vents on your RV’s roof with a reflective surface will keep the summer sun’s heat away. Similar to putting sun shades on your windows and doors, it will reflect the light, allowing you to keep the temperature in your RV lower than it would be if you allowed the sun to shine through.

Contact us today so we can help you find the right RV for you and your family for your next outdoor vacation!

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